Connecting Municipalities in Digital Era: Best Practices from Europe

The project aims to collate a range of good practices from Estonia, Finland, Germany, Romania, Bulgaria, Republic of Moldova, Hungary, Italy and other European countries in the domain of digital LPA and reform processes, and to place these examples at the core of a series of forums designed to stimulate debate, catalyse change and generate more efficiency in LPA work, especially on the challenges that Europe is currently facing. This will complete the work of the Renew Europe Group in the European Committee of the Regions who are already working on a reform and digitisation agenda for local administration.

Laboratorul de Inițiative pentru Dezvoltare (LID Moldova) este un Think-Do Tank nou, independent, non-profit, neguvernamental și non-partizan din Republica Moldova. A fost fondat in 2018 pe viziunea unui stat modern și liber, cu scopul de a susține inițiative cu impact și a încuraja persoane care fac diferența în Moldova.